Excellent Tips for SEO Services to Boost Your Website

Nowadays, if a website doesn’t have a chance at good search rankings, very few people may ever get to see it. Thus, to avoid having a website that is not searched engine friendly, you simply need to take into consideration some basic SEO principles as well as good content development practices.
Digital Marketing 360 offers you the best Chicago SEO services tips which boost traffic on your website, which are as follows:

1. Be certain Your Site Navigation Is Search Engine Friendly

Firstly, using Flash for navigation on your website can be bad news if you aren’t aware of how to make Flash objects accessible as well as web-crawler-friendly. And, Search engines have a really tough time crawling a website that uses Flash.

2. Place Scripts Outside of the HTML Document

Whenever you are coding your website, make sure you externalize JavaScript and CSS. The reason is that search engines view a website through what’s contained in the HTML document. Also, JavaScript & CSS, if not externalized, can add several additional lines of code in your HTML documents that, in most cases, will be ahead of the actual content, plus might make crawling them slower. And, search engines like to get to the content of a website as quickly as possible.

3. Have Content That Search Engine Spiders Can Read

Next, content is the life force of a website, and it is what the search engines feed on. Whenever designing a website, makes sure you take into account good structure for content (headings, paragraphs, & links).

Similarly, Sites with very little content tend to struggle in the search results as well as, in most cases; this can be avoided if there is proper planning in the design stages. For instance, don’t use images for text unless you use a CSS background image text replacement technique.

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4. Design Your URLs for Search Friendliness

Moreover, Search friendly URLs are not URLs that are hard to crawl, such as query strings. So, be careful of some CMS’s that use automatically generated numbers as well as special code for page URLs. And, good content management systems will give you the ability to customize & “prettify” your website’s URLs.

5. Discarded Pages You Don’t like to have Search Engines Index

Further, there could be pages on your site that you don’t want search engines to index. And, these pages could be pages that add no value to your content, such as server-side scripts. Also, these web pages could even be pages you are using to test your designs as you are building the new website (which is not advised, yet many of us still do).
So, these are SEO tips that can lead you to a more search engine friendly web design without sacrificing your creativity and style.

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